Picture framing a corner cut on deck

by Mike
(Boston, MA)

I am framing a deck that has stairs on a 45 degree angle. I want to install picture frame floorboards - two boards wide.

For the straight sides I am simply adding another joist where the field boards meet the frame and blocking between that board and the frame to support the two picture frame boards. The angle cut is on the end of the joists (it is part of the headboard).

Is there an easy way to set this up rather than trying to block at angles to support the picture frame?

Keeping in mind that since this is the top of the stairs it will sustain a lot of traffic - unlike the rest of the picture frame which will be under railings.

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May 02, 2011
Two possible options
by: Editor-Rich Bergman

It depends on how you intend to mate the perpendicular picture frame trim boards at the corner? Do you want a true 45 degree cut corner? Or do you want to butt joint each respective piece and offset each sequential row of picture frame boards at the butt joint area?

A 45 degree miter cut virtually demands you install a diagonal if you really want the support underneath the miter. On the other hand, if you butt joint the ends you can sometimes get away with 90 blocking if its located right. But without a detailed drawing its tough for me to tell you exactly how that would work.

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