Vinyl or Torch On Roofing for Leaking Deck

by Ron

Our deck is leaking and needs to be replaced. We have living space underneath it and are wanting to know if we should go with a vinyl or torch on roofing?

The reason we are thinking torch on is because our roof is getting done in the next few weeks so we could use the same people. If we do go torch on, what options are out there to put on top of the torch on?

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May 08, 2024
painting a torch down deck after install NEW
by: Bishop

Can you paint a torch down deck after install? should you use a primer first and deck paint?

Jan 14, 2020
torch on is much better in logevity NEW
by: Anonymous

You can cover the torch on with some kind of pre-made wooden blocks to walk on. All railing systems now can be built not on the deck but outside the edge of the deck, so the railing will never touch the torch on. It will last 30+ years because all you have to do is to replace the surface wooden cover which is laid on top of the torch-on flats.

Jan 24, 2011
Torch on roof deck has some advantages
by: Editor - Rich Bergman

That is a great question and often I would suggest going with a heavy duty 60 mil vinyl membrane, heat welded and installed by professionals for a quick and simple solution and should be good for at least 15-20 years. Maybe more if you take good care of it and your weather conditions are not too harsh.

A vinyl solution typically is less expensive than a torch on roof deck and is less messy and dangerous to install.

But, in your case you should consider the advantages of a durable longer lasting torch on roof. You can also read this article to get up to speed on the basics.

A torch on roof will in most cases be your longest lasting option. A vinyl membrane, even a high quality 60 mil product approved by code for over living spaces will not last as long - in most cases.

But installing a torch on roof requires experience and has to be done properly or all the money and expense can be lost.

The other thing about torch on roofs is they can not be used in the same way that a vinyl surface can. You can not just go and install a surface mounted railing system to it because you should never puncture the surface without some advice from an experienced roofing contractor.

With a vinyl decking system the finished surface is ready to go cosmetically and functionally for a deck. Any surface mounted railing system is either attached to the band joist or if it goes onto the deck itself you should have installed small elevated platforms on the roof deck where each post will go. They are usually pyramidal in design with a flat zone for the post and the vinyl goes over it.

This keeps very little water near the fastener penetrations points and you need caulking and gaskets.

With a torch on system you should be considering a deck platform that sits carefully and tenderly on the roof itself.

Since you are doing the entire house this is a good time to save money and get the deck done at the same time. I would seriously consider the torch on roof in your situation.

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