Will Grass Grow Below Deck?

by Derek Reid
(Oshawa Ontario)

I want to build a 2nd lower tier to my existing deck. This tier will be at ground level.

Do I need to do anything to the existing grass I will be building over top of, or will it eventually die due to lack of sunlight.

I don't want grass poking through between the boards.

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Apr 22, 2017
grass does grow under decks
by: Anonymous

Contrary to some advice I have read here, GRASS WILL GROW UNDER A DECK. Digging out the existing grass, laying down landscape fabric & covering that with gravel of some kind is the only solution that I have found that actually works.

Apr 03, 2011
Stop Grass Under The Deck
by: skyview

I always dig 3"-4" below the grass...

Lay landscaping fabric down then back fill with gravel (1-1/4" or 28mm gravel does the trick).

This way you'll take care of grass and irrigation problem at the same time.

May 29, 2009
Grass Under Deck
by: snakecan2

If there is no sun getting underneath... then that grass will not grow.

If you have existing grass, cut it as short as possible and depending on how long it takes to build the deck you might just almost kill what is left by building the deck.-

If you want overkill just get some of the flower bed liner and layer it after you set your post or blocks that support your deck.

May 24, 2009
Grass Growing Under Deck
by: Editor - Rich Bergman

In most cases grass will not grow under a deck because of the lack of sunlight - at least normal grass. However it may be possible for some errant strands to grow through.

I have seen this before but its more like a piece of straw. Typical grass needs a lot more light. So you could just as easily pull that out if it ever happened.

Of course the final solution is some kind of landscape fabric with some gravel on top or a plastic barrier below.

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